Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has conducted a football tournament for youth at Mulli Anaicodai. Kalai Oli social club had only 7 members but with our intervention and a generous help of a friend from Canada 32 youth became members and participated in the tournament. Jun 15, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has commemorated the World Environment Day at Chatty beach in Kayts. 300 participants like Religious leaders Students Velanai District secretary GS CBOs and security forces participated in beach cleaning and Tree planting program. Jun 6, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Hudec Caritas Jaffna has organised a sports meet for children at Manianthottam. In spite of the political unrest and economic crisis of the country we try our best to keep the children happy. May 23, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Hudec Caritas Jaffna has conducted an art and speech competition for 60 children under the civic Diologue program. We have formed 6 children club at Manianthottam Uthayapuram Colombuthurai Moors Street Pommaiveli and Anaicoddai. They were given instructions on the importance of Worshipping their God, Respecting other religions, Helping the needy and Protecting the Mother Earth May 23, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Hudec Caritas Jaffna has organised a seminar on Human rights for 40 students at Vaitheeswara College Jaffna. Students are from St Patrick’s College, Holy Family Convent and Vaitheeswara College. Mr Kangaraj the human rights commissioner was our resource person. May 5, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Hudec Caritas Jaffna has organised a Silent Solidarity prayer Campaign at St Nicholas Church Navanthurai. Religious leaders and people of Islam Catholic Hindu Budhist Anglican and Church of South India participated. “God let my country awake” Apr 18, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has organised a seminar for 50 youth from Hindu, Muslim and Christian faiths. Miss Uthayani was the resource person. Apr 4, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized we organised an hour Silent prayer campaign at Anaicoddai where Christian Muslim and Hindu faithful participated and prayed for God’s intervention on the chaotic economic situation of our country Apr 4, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has organised a rally marking the international women’s day. Mar 21, 2022 hudeccaritasjaffna