Uncategorized Agiomondo CPS workers from Guatemala, Colombia, Liberia and Germany visited Caritas Hudec Jaffna and visited war affected families in Jaffna Navaly and Ilavalai Aug 21, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has conducted capacity building program under SSEP for 50 youth on 18th to 20th August at Pandaterruppu. Dr Mrs R Gnaneswaran Professor Zoology University of Jaffna, Mr Siva Gengatharan and Mr Rajarajeswaran Thirumurugan from Naita were resource persons. Aug 19, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Agiamondo program is conducted for Hostellers at St Henry’s College Ilavalai Aug 12, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has been conducting Peace project with the help of Agiamondo team from Germany. The CPS worker Mr Andre will be with us for three years. Our main intention is to help the Children Youth and the parents to deal with the past trauma of war and look forward for the future. The team met the people in Pungudutivu Aug 11, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has arranged a seminar for entrepreneurs at Chavakatcheri DS division. Aug 11, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has organised field visits for the staff in charge for food security project from National Centre Sedec Yesterday and today. Dr Maheswaran lecturer from Peredeniya University Kandy came to evaluate the progress of home gardening of our beneficiaries from Nallur, Allaveddy Thellipalai and Kayts DS divisions. Aug 10, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has distributed dry ration pack each 5000/-Rs worth to 212 families in Maruthankerny DS division. This support is provided by Misereor Jul 6, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has given 2 bicycles to 2 students Jun 13, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has distributed dry ration pack each 5000/-Rs worth to 130 families in Uduvil DS division. This support is provided by Misereor Jun 13, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna
Uncategorized Caritas Hudec Jaffna has organised a residential TOT program on 6th and 7th June at Pandaterippu. Staff from Sedec National centre and youth from Batticaloe, Trinco, Mannar, Vanni and Jaffna participated. Mr Julian conducted a seminar on RTI right to information and Miss Uthayani on social cohesion. Jun 6, 2023 hudeccaritasjaffna